Wireless Features

  • Click the Wireless Features link from the menu on the left of the TBS Administration screen

The managed data can be found in the lkWirelessFeatures table.


  • this field is required
  • appears in the Feature column on the Wireless screen

 Description – informational only

  • appears in the Feature Desc column on the Wireless screen

Activation Charge - the one-time charge for the customer to begin using this feature

Monthly Charge – the charge to use this feature for one month

  • this field is required

Tax Type – combines transaction type and service type

  • example – tax type = 0102, transaction type = 01 + service type = 02

Recurring – if checked, the Monthly Charge is applied every month

Commission – if “Yes” is selected, an account in this Group will have commission data generated on it

  • this field is required

Transaction Type – combined with Service Type to identify the service being provided for the purpose of producing the appropriate taxes for a specific jurisdiction

Service Type – combined with Transaction Type to identify the service being provided for the purpose of producing the appropriate taxes for a specific jurisdiction